The Philosophy
I believe that every student should and can be an artist at any level by creating beautiful tone and musical phrases.
When a student begins studying the piano they learn how to touch the keys in a way that makes sense musically.
They will learn that music is more than playing the correct notes, but rather communicating emotion through the piano.
The student discovers that making music at the piano is fun.
The Studio
In the studio I have three
pianos, a studio upright, an acoustic digital grand piano and an electric stage piano. This enables the teacher and students to practice together and perform in ensemble classes learning from
each other.
In preparation for three recitals, students participate in performance classes to experience thinking musically like
a teacher for their peer pianists. Other opportunities through the National Guild of Piano Playing and Music Teachers National Association allow students to compete or prepare for performance
exams. This provides an atmosphere for learning and developing musicianship.
All genres of music are explored because all are based on the same fundamental principles of music making and knowledge of the piano. From reading chord charts, improvising, accompanying,
learning jazz scales and chord voicings, to the classics, students will be prepared for any options they wish in music.
Many students play piano in their schools and have won competitions both on the national and state levels. Some students have also performed with local community orchestras.